Budget Passes At County Council Meeting
KOSCIUSKO COUNTY — Preceded by multiple review meetings, the Sept. 10, Kosciusko County budget adoption meeting was quick and easy. Because of the multiple meetings held prior to last night concerning the budget, all that needed to be done was approval of specific budgets.
The meeting started with the approval of multiple transfers in budget throughout the county. The highway department asked to transfer $680 from its insurance budget into its repairs budget. The sheriff’s department asked to transfer $3,140.97 from its insurance payment budget into repairs and maintenance. KCSD then asked to transfer another $281.01 from its insurance payment budget into repairs and maintenance. All of the transfers were approved by the council.
Next came multiple appropriations from different departments. An appropriation is a commitment from the government to spend a specific amount on a department.
KCSD asked for a $1,520 extradition for mileage, fuel and travel. The extradition was approved. The area plan department came before the council to ask for a $3,500 appropriation for new public legal notices. The highway department asked for $144,047.56 for bituminous, which is a surface treatment for paved roads that dramatically reduces the negative effects of sun and water. All of these appropriations were approved by the council as part of the 2016 budget for Kosciusko County.
The pre-trial diversion department had three appropriations to ask for, $7,000 for community policing assistance, $17,000 for drug testing and $1,500 for professional conferences. These appropriations were also approved by the council as part of the 2016 budget for Kosciusko County.
Last for appropriations was the probation department, who asked for five separate appropriations. The first was $8,608.28 for the adult probation user fees. There were then three requests for drug and alcohol user fees totaling $20,112. Last, the probation department asked for a $12,000 appropriation for the problem solving court. All five appropriations were approved.
Once the appropriations were done, the council approved and appointed Mark Baumgartner to the Milford Public Library Board.
Stephen Snyder then came before the court to bring a surprise request. He asked for a $2.5 million 10-year abatement. The abatement would go toward a three-story facility. The facility would create two jobs, and the council thought it simply was not worth the money for two new jobs, and so his request was denied.
Next came the approval of the actual budget. The review of taxing units resolution was approved. The total budget was brought forth for discussion, and finally approved, totaling $15,709,757. County Treasurer Michelle Puckett said that the budget is around $900K more than last year.
Despite being more, the council praised department heads for being financially responsible in creating their budgets. The salary ordinance, the EDIT resolution, and the solid waste budget were all approved. The county administrator and auditor both had full-time positions that need filled, and both were approved to hire someone.
No new business came before the court, and the meeting was adjourned. The next Kosciusko County Council meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. Oct. 8.