WCS Staff Enthusiastic About New School Year
WARSAW — Warsaw Community School employees gathered Monday morning, Aug. 10, to celebrate the beginning of another new school year.
The program began with presentation of colors, pledge of Allegiance and national anthem by the Junior ROTC Cadets. Guest speakers included Dani Barkey, Warsaw Community High School student; Brynn Durecki; Jennifer Tandy; and Barb Smolen.
WCS students also took time out of their last day of summer break to describe their best day of school so far.
Dr. David A. Hoffert introduced newly retired teacher Jeanne McCormack, who gave a motivational presentation and declared each school employee in the room to be an “academic lifesaver.” She also used an illustration based on a recent episode of “Family Feud” she watched, in which “teacher” was number four on the list of professions parents brag about their adult children having.
McCormack noted that, at first she was offended to see “teacher” at the bottom, then realized it could apply as a visual metaphor for teachers holding up the other professions through education.
Following her presentation, McCormack received a standing ovation.
Afterwards, school employees were dismissed for an all-staff photo on the lawn in front of the high school.