Warsaw Parks Hosting Triathlon Clinics
WARSAW – The Warsaw Parks and Recreation Department and Warsaw Breakfast Optimist Club will be hosting the first-ever Kid’s Triathlon Clinic.
The events are for youth ages 5-10 years old on Monday, July 27, through Thursday, July 30, from 6-7:15 p.m. each day at Pike Lake. The cost is $25 per child.
The four introductory clinics are specifically designed for youth ages 5-10 who have a real desire to learn the basic skills necessary for safe swimming (shallow water only), introductory bicycle riding skills, beginning running form and stretching techniques. These four clinics will be led by experienced triathletes.
Participants must register by July 17 in order to receive a clinic t-shirt or by July 24 to participate in all four clinic dates (no t-shirt). Clinics include healthy snacks, water bottles and t-shirts for those that complete all four classes and the final clinic mini race.
• Monday July 27th – “Let’s Get Wet” (swim goggles & suit required)
• Tuesday July 28th – “Peddle Peddle” (Bike & Helmet required – no training wheels permitted)
• Wednesday July 29th – “Prepare to Run” (supportive running shoes required)
• Thursday July 30th – Swim/Bike/Run – RACE (all above items required)
Parents and volunteers are needed for the last clinic date of Thursday, July 30.
For a more detailed Kids Triathlon Clinic information document and registration form, log onto www.warsaw.in.gov, click on PARKS & RECREATION. For more information or details about the Kid’s Triathlon Clinics or any of the parks department programs, please visit www.warsaw.in.gov or
facebook.com/warsawparks, or e-mail [email protected].
For further questions call the Parks and Recreation Department Monday – Friday 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. at (574) 372-9554.