ACRES’ Wabash County Preserves Bursting With Wildflowers, Spring Celebrations
Spring has sprung on ACRES Land Trust Nature Preserves where for a short time spring wildflowers are bursting into bloom and celebrations abound.
Spring wildflowers bloom quickly to get the energy they need from the sun before tree leaves block light from the forest floor. Throughout April and May, hikers seeking spring color are flocking to see a changing showcase of ephemeral spring wildflowers on ACRES Land Trust’s nature preserves throughout our region.
The local nonprofit also hosts a number of Wildflower hikes in preserves throughout the region. ACRES’ docents volunteer their time to lead hikes, sharing their interest and knowledge of native wildflower species including Bloodroot, Dutchman’s breeches, Hepatica, Trilliums and more.
ACRES also invites the community to treat mom to a wildflower-filled walk in the woods with executive director Jason Kissel and family at the Hathaway Preserve at Ross Run in Wabash County on Sunday, May 10. In addition to wildflowers, participants will discover plant and animal moms encountered along the way.
Upcoming ACRES Wildflower Hikes in Wabash County include:
- At 3 p.m. Saturday, April 25, there will be a Geology and wildflower hike presented by Tony Fleming and the Northern Chapter of INPAWS. This 3 mile hike includes many long, steep grades. There is a limit of 15 participants. Register by contacting Tony at [email protected]. The hike will be in Asherwood Environmental Center, 7496 W. SR 124, Wabash.
- At 1:30 p.m. Sunday, May 3, Dr. Dave Hicks and the Tippecanoe Audubon Society will be hosting a hike in Kokiwanee Nature Preserve, located at 2825 E. 50 S., Lagro.
- Come enjoy the Mother’s Day Hike at 3 p.m. Sunday, May 10, presented by the Kissel family. The hike will take place in the the hathaway Preserve, 1866 Baumbauer Road, Wabash.
The ACRES wildflower hikes are free and open to the public, thanks to member support. Individuals or groups who wish to explore the preserves on their own are encouraged. Groups that would like a docent led hike may inquire about scheduling one at no charge at (260) 637-2273 or [email protected].