Redevelopment Commission Approves Central TIF District
A small group of Buffalo Street residents attended the Warsaw Redevelopment Commission meeting Monday to learn more about the Central Redevelopment Plan.
Their questions were raised during a public hearing on a resolution to establish the area as a Tax Increment Financing District. One resident stated she needed to know what the plans are as she was preparing to spend money to install a ramp at her residence. “Now is the time, I have to know,” the resident stated.
Other residents inquired what area was included, noting they had a right to know and needed information so they could go forward with their lives.
It was stated the resolution would allow conversations to begin and further planning to take place. The purpose of the resolution was explained, with Jeremy Skinner, city planner notingĀ “We’re not setting out to acquire property.” He encouraged the concerned residents to speak with him after the meeting regarding the questions.
It was noted the creation of this TIF District would not affect the residents, but assist the city should new structures be constructed. The tax funds would help improve infrastructure in that district. During discussion it was noted there is a developer interested in the former Indiana American Water property to place a three-story building containing condominiums and a bakery on ground level.
Mayor Joe Thallemer explained the window to declare a Legacy TIF district was closing by legislative action, thus the time to act was now. It was noted there are multiple components discussed on projects in this area, but no actual plan formulated.
The resolution to declare the area which includes Buffalo, Canal, Indiana and Fort Wayne streets, a TIF district was approved. More information on the project will be made available at a later date when plans are formulated.
During other business the commission:
- Approved a contract with Wessler Engineering, Inc., for the technology park phase ii lift stations. The cost is $42,000 and is for engineering studies, documents and design to bid the project.
- Approved an additional appropriate of $600,000 paid to the city by Parkview for the reconstruction of Mariner Drive. Funds will be used for engineering and costs of the project, from Husky Trail towards the Parkview YMCA/Medical area.
Commission members were also given updates on the status of the former Gatke property.
Skinner noted the property has been included in the Stellar Program application and there is an interested party looking to use of some of the buildings.
Tim Meyer, commission member, stated “the problem still exists,” expressing concern over the potential liability to the city. “I’m not comfortable with the liability over our heads. How long are we going to let it string on before we take action.”
Skinner stated If no action is taken within six months, the city will look at demolition projects of buildings in disrepair. It was noted initial demolition estimates range from $160,000 to $400,000. “We’re hopeful in the next couple months to have a better direction,” stated Skinner.
It was also noted even without receipt of the Stellar Program funds projects will still get completed, just not as quickly.
Information will also be given to commission members on a preliminary bond report for the Central Redevelopment District. The end result of this bond will be the reconstruction of Buffalo Street.
The next meeting of the redevelopment commission will be at noon, Monday, April 6.