Palestine Cemetery Spring Cleanup Reminder
President, Board of Directors, Palestine Cemetery
The Board of Directors of the Palestine Cemetery, Inc., reminds its patrons that all grave decorations must be removed or brought into compliance with the cemetery regulations by Wednesday, April 1, to allow for spring cleanup. Decorations not in compliance with cemetery regulations after Wednesday, April 1 will be disposed of. The following are regulations of the Palestine Cemetery, Inc. regarding plantings, flowers, and shrubbery:
All flowers must be placed within the line of the headstone, on cement or in a cement urn, or fastened to the headstone securely.
- No wires, glass, shepherd’s hooks, or hanging baskets may be set in the ground.
- All shrubbery shall be maintained or it will be removed at the owner’s expense.
- Winter grave blankets are permitted if removed by Wednesday, April 1.
- All plantings and/or shrubbery must have approval of the Cemetery Board prior to planting.
Questions may be directed to the sexton of the Palestine Cemetery, Inc., Duane Burkhart, at (574) 551-6666.