KREMC Operation Round Up Fund Awards Grant To Beaman Home
Board President, Beaman Home
The Beaman Home was recently awarded a grant from Kosciusko REMC Operation Round Up Fund, a component fund of Kosciusko County Community Foundation. The money for this Fund comes from Kosciusko REMC members who “round up” their monthly electric bill to help support the Fund.
The grant will help provide materials for the new Children’s Program the Beaman Home will be initiating once they have moved into their new campus on North Parker Street this spring. The objective of the program is to break the generational cycle of violence so prevalent in families affected by domestic violence.
Family violence has a profound impact on a child’s development, behavior and learning. “In the long term, there is also a correlation between witnessing family violence as a child and entering into an abusive relationship as an adult,” commented Tracie Hodson, Beaman Home’s Executive Director. She added, “We are putting together a program to teach children skills that will help them cope with the abuse they’ve experienced and grow into healthy/thriving young adults.” Recognizing that family is a child’s most influential teacher, the program will provide guidance and interaction between child and parent.
Hodson expressed sincere appreciation to the Kosciusko REMC members who “round up” their monthly electric bill to help support the Kosciusko REMC Operation Round Up Fund. The grant to Beaman Home reflects how that support is impacting local victims of domestic violence and their families.
This grant, and grants from Altrusa International and the local Altrusa Club, make the new program possible.
Any individual needing help as a result of physical or emotional domestic violence may contact the Beaman Home toll free at 877-725-9363 for a confidential consultation.