Annual Special Olympics Dance in Warsaw
“This is the third one we’ve had,” says Jon Hembree, one of the organizers of the Special Olympics Dance held at First Christian Church in Warsaw on Friday, Aug. 15.
Hembree says in the past the dance has had a formal theme and a western theme. This year organizers opted for a luau them.
Palms trees, beach balls and leis decorated the gym. Fun dance tunes played through the PA. There was a delicious spread of food.
“We think of it as a night to spoil some special people and have a lot of fun,” Hembree says. He estimates around 60 people came out to enjoy the festivities, many clad in Hawaiian shirts.
A few of the attendees were celebrating birthdays. The entire crowd treated them to a chorus of “Happy Birthday.”
“We’d heard of some other churches doing it, but there really wasn’t anyone doing it around here,” says Hembree of why he wanted to host such a dance. “What can we do to show them they’re really loved?” Hembree thought.
The dance is a joint effort between the local Special Olympics, Cardinal Services and the church. A wonderful time seemed to be had by all.