Bulletproof Vests, City Hall Door Purchases Approved
One year ago, the Warsaw Police Department’s request to the Warsaw Board of Public Works and Safety to apply for grant funds to purchase new bulletproof vests was approved. On Wednesday, WPD Lt. Kip Shuter announced the grant money had finally been awarded.
The Bureau of Justice Assistance awarded $3,246.59 to the department. Per the grant stipulations, the city is still responsible for matching money. With the B.O.W.’s approval, Shuter was granted permission to purchase seven new bulletproof vests. The recommended life cycle of the vests is 5 years and the department will use the new vests to replace those that are at or past the recommended replacement date.
Shuter also received the board’s approval to again apply for the grant for next year’s fundings to replace more vests.
In another matter, the B.O.W. opened two bids during yesterday’s meeting. Those bids are to replace the entry doors to city hall from Buffalo Street. City planner Jeremy Skinner asked the board at the March 21 meeting if he could seek quotes to replace the problematic doors.
Skinner said the doors are not compatible with Americans with Disabilities Act requirements and have caused the handicapped accessible power door options to be nonfunctioning. Another door was damaged and needs to be replaced due to its age.
Only two quotes were received. A bid from DT Construction Services for $34,500 was accepted. Harold McComb & Son provided a $41,623 quote. The doors are expected to be installed by May 30.
Finally, the Warsaw Community Public Library is in the planning stages for a summer carnival and requested to have a section of High Street closed for the event. The street, from Center Street to the library’s entrance, will be closed from noon to 5 p.m. on Saturday, July 19 to accommodate for the 2014 Summer Reading Program carnival.
B.O.W. members include Warsaw Mayor Joe Thallemer and city councilman Charlie Smith and Jeff Grose.