Conley Files Candidacy For Third Term
Robert M. (Bob) Conley announces his candidacy for a third term as Kosciusko County Commissioner, southern district. He is a lifetime Kosciusko County resident.
Conley is a 1969 graduate of Warsaw Community High School and National Barber College, Indianapolis. He is currently an active sheriff’s department reserve officer, serving for 38 years, and has also assists Milford and Mentone police departments when needed.
He is a member of the Warsaw Community Development Corporation and Kosciusko County Solid Waste and Recycling board of directors. Conley has also worked with the Kosciusko County Economic Development Commission and small towns within the county moving and developing.
He and his wife, Sue, have three children and Conley operates Bob & Nelson Conley Barbershop, Warsaw. He and his wife attend Redeemer Lutheran Church, Warsaw, where he served as congregational president, chairman of the board of education and is currently a member of the board of elders.
During his term as commissioner, he initiated the “Veteran of the Month Award” with the help of the county’s veteran’s affairs officer and the other two commissioners.