WKChamber Awarded For Communications Excellence
At the Winter Conference of the Indiana Chamber Executives Association awards ceremony held on March 15 in Indianapolis, the Warsaw Kosciusko County Chamber of Commerce was honored to receive awards for Communications Excellence in four different categories.
WKChamber was awarded first place in Communications Excellence in both categories of brochures and annual reports and strategic plans. The WKChamber was also awarded honorable mention in the categories of newsletters and directories and magazines.
At the same ceremony, Michelle Goble, operations manager for WKChamber; and Trina Hoy, vice president of Communications and Events for WKChamber, were both acknowledged for completion of the ICEA Hoosier Chamber Academy and received certificates of graduation for their achievement. Hoosier Chamber Academy is a series of four 1-day high quality programs on chamber management “essentials” geared for today’s chamber executives and professional staff. It has become the leading training program in Indiana totally devoted to chamber professionals wanting to fine-tune basic skills.
“I am so proud of the chamber staff. They keep us moving forward and it is a great accomplishment to win these prestigious awards and to graduate from Hoosier Chamber Academy,” said Mark Dobson IOM, president and CEO of the WKChamber.
ICEA is a professional association for staff leaders that are employed by local chambers of commerce in Indiana. Membership also includes key volunteer leaders of smaller chambers that don’t yet have paid staff, as well as for-profit business partners that provide useful and valuable products and services for chambers and their business member-investors.
For more information about the Warsaw Kosciusko County Chamber, visit WKChamber.com, and sign up to receive their weekly e-newsletter.