Sarah’s Smile Brightened By Sacred Heart
Dear SPOnline Editors:
On Halloween, Sarah was transformed from a toddler in a pretty outfit into Cinderella in a royal princess carriage! (See full story and video)
We would like to thank Sacred Heart School and the teachers and staff who made Sarah’s Halloween so special! She loved her first trick-or-treating experience in her beautiful magical carriage, and she is still talking about how much fun she had!
We want to especially thank Carole Rutledge for creating the Cinderella masterpiece, Melanie Cameron and Cindy Hollowell for their time and ideas, and Angie Sokul for designing Hannah’s fairy godmother costume!
We also want to thank Lili Polk, Kallie Kirkendall and Winona Drake for all of their behind the scenes help!
We really appreciate all of the news and media outlets that were kind enough to share Sarah’s story. Sarah got to be a beautiful princess for one night, but the magical memories will last a lifetime!
Thank you!
Drew and Mindy Stump