Syracuse Elementary Honors Veterans
Syracuse Elementary School was host to dozens of local veterans as part of their annual Veterans Day program on Monday morning. The school gymnasium was packed with students, family and friends who took the hour to honor military personnel.
After a welcome by Principal Jim Garner, Syracuse VFW Post 1342 held the posting of the colors. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by local cub scouts, the “Star Spangled Banner” was sung by the audience and a prayer was read by Tom Corbat.
Students in the fifth grade special choir then presented a selection of music honoring veterans. The entire school sang the “Armed Forces Medley” after a slideshow of veterans was shown.
The guest speaker for the program was Bruno Wolski, who spoke on the guards at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
Concluding the program was a benediction and the singing of “A Grateful Nation” by all who attended.