WCSC Welcomes New Faces
Wawasee Community Schools Corp. is welcoming a host of new teachers and administrators this school year.
Staff began their school year this morning and students have their first day back to school tomorrow.
Pictured are WCSC’s newest faces. Seated in front, from left, are Katie Young, kindergarten, Milford Elementary; Kara Turner, reading interventionist, Syracuse and North Webster elementaries; Laura Ahnert, journalism, Wawasee High School; Kim Nguyen, career and technical education director, WHS; Amy Brown, eighth grade math, Wawasee Middle School; Jessie Gilson, Spanish, WHS; and Chris Noel, eighth grade language arts, WMS.
Standing are John Szynal, math, WHS; Ashleigh Helfrich, kindergarten, Syracuse Elementary; Brigette Lindeman, first grade, North Webster Elementary; Danielle Hartzell, half-time sixth grade language arts, Milford Middle School; Justin Weber, world history and current problems, WHS; Heidi Heinisch, FACS, Milford School; Eric Screeton, social studies and U.S. history, WHS; Ryan Connor, assistant principal, Milford School; and Shawn Johnson, assistant principal, WMS.