Council Approves Transfers
Kosciusko County Treasurer Sue Ann Mitchell approached the county council during their regular meeting, Aug. 9, seeking two transfers.
The first was $9,000 toward the general part-time fund so the treasurer’s office could pay part-time help while they still need to fill two full-time positions.
Secondly, Mitchell requested $26,235 be transferred from the general treasurer deputy fund to the general lockbox fund to pay for a check scanner and software. Mitchell stated so far two bids had been placed and that one of the bids already had the software in Indiana.
The check scanner and software is a method to process tax payments. The new system will create an Excel file that will import the payments into the county tax billing system. It will also capture the check and statement for future viewing reference and create a file to send to the bank for the direct depositing of the checks.
Council member Jim Moyer motioned to approve the transfer, stating it was a good idea to bring the work back to the courthouse and have its employee take care of the checks.
County General Clerk Jason McSherry sought two transfers to the clerk office’s full-time fund totaling $1,801.83. He also sought the council’s approval to fill a full-time position that has been vacant since February.
All transfers were approved.
In other county council news:
Council members approved an additional appropriation of $82,000 in solid waste money to go toward the new addition to Solid Waste Department’s building.
Also approved was an additional appropriation of $444,844.22 to the new state-required 911 fund. As part of that appropriation, council members also approved budget reductions of the same amount to the County General.
A new contract between the county and the Kosciusko County Historical Society for the leasing of the old jail was approved and will be in place for 30 years.
County Auditor Marsha McSherry announced the county’s annual taxes rates for the fiscal year of Oct. 1, 2012 through Sept. 30, 2013 as being .007 and .003.
Two budget meetings will be held at 6 p.m. Aug. 20 and 23 with the next regular council meeting occurring at 7 p.m. Sept. 13.