Reassessments Mailed Out for First Time Since 2002
Following the biggest announcement of the regular meeting that the long-standing burn ban was lifted, Kosciusko County Commissioner learned today that, on Monday, the assessor’s office mailed out Form 11 notices, better known as reassessments.
The reassessments are effective as of March 1. County Assessor Laurie Renier said Form 11’s were sent out for 52,339 parcels. The last reassessment was in 2002 and, according to Renier, some reassessments have decreased, while some have increased.
Three petitions for property vacations were also approved during the meeting. The petitioners are Deborah Flanagan, Jonathon Needler, and Margot Brown Pahud. The property is located in an unnamed public way in a plat in Lake View Park in Turkey Creek Township, off Eli Lilly Road in Syracuse.
The Kosciusko County Area Plan Commission also recommended approving the petitions at its last meeting.
A petition by David and Vicki Metzger for a vacation and re-location of an unnamed public way was also approved. The property in question is located on EMS B64 Lane in Mort’s addition in the Barbee Lakes area.
The petition came before the commissioners at the June 19 meeting, but was tabled. The APC voted 7-1 to vacate the property at one of its meeting.
Matt Boren, general manager of Kosciusko Area Bus Services, announced his resignation at today’s meeting. Boren has accepted another job in Warsaw, his last day is Aug. 17.
Commissioners signed KABS’ quarterly claims updated report. Boren said there was a decrease in federal allocation by $37,977. He said the agency needs to find more funding or there may be a reduction in services, such as bus routes. He is hoping a new highway act will help with funding.
Three bids for a new backhoe for the county highway department were opened. The bids range from $86,100 to $74,900. Commissioners will make a recommendation at its next meeting in August.
The highway department is starting to chip and seal 65 miles of county roads. It was also reported that a Winona Beach Road bridge will open within the next two weeks. Fox Farm Road is close to being completed; a portion of the road is getting new asphalt.
In other county matters, the board:
- appointed Margaret Cousins to the Milford Public Library board for a four-year term, starting Aug. 1.
- renewed the lease on the Old Jail Museum in Warsaw for another 30 years at $1 a year.
- approved a new ordinance that requires, by law, the county health department to seal unsafe buildings; the health department will send out notices to property owners whose buildings are deemed unsafe.
Commissioners are President Bob Conley, Ron Truex and Brad Jackson. The next meeting is at 9 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 14, at the county courthouse in Warsaw.