Kosciusko County Police News
The following incidents were investigated by the Kosciusko County Sheriff’s Department.
- Thursday, May 31, at 10:00 p.m., a Milford couple reported a female minor living in their home had run away earlier that morning and hadn’t been seen since.
- Thursday, May 31, at 3:20 p.m., Gayle Cart of Warsaw reported prescription medication stolen from her home.
- Wednesday, May 30, at 8:13 p.m., a wallet with money and a bracelet were reported stolen at Waveland Beach.
- Wednesday, May 30, Willis Adams of Silver Lake reported fraudulent activity on his credit card.
- Tuesday, May 29, at 3:50 p.m., Edgar Joseph Clark, Jr., of Cromwell, was arrested for driving on a suspended license.
- Saturday, May 26, at 11:29 p.m., a Goshen Hospital nurse reported a dog bite to a juvenile which had occurred in Kosciusko County.
The following accidents were investigated by the Kosciusko County Sheriff’s Department.
- Thursday, May 31, 12:50 p.m., CR 400 W, Warsaw. Driver: Pearl Maish, 55, 180 S 400 W, Warsaw. Driver veered off the road to avoid a collision with an Environmental Services garbage truck backing up into her line of travel. She struck a utility pole. Injured: Driver complained of neck pain and was transported by ambulance to Kosciusko Community Hospital. Damages up to $25,000.