Track Athletes Honored For Academics
The area is well represented on both the girls and boys sides on the Academic All-State track teams announced by the Indiana Association of Track and Cross County Coaches.
Earning Academic All-State honors in girls track are Warsaw juniors Ashley Erba, Samantha Jensen and Jamie Lacheta. The list also includes Whitko juniors Holly Frantz and Stephanie Wheeler.
The girls honorable mention all-state choices include seniors Kayla Bixler, Lilly Fleming and Brooke Kline of Warsaw, along with Wawasee junior Emma Donahoe.
The boys Academic All-State honorees includes seniors Spencer Rheinhardt and Nate Stone and junior Taylor Cone of Warsaw.
The honorable mention list for boys includes juniors Nathan Kolbe and Jacob Poyner of Warsaw and Whitko seniors Dallas Asher, Dylan Cozad, Trapper Mize and Scott Paulus.